The Spamhaus Project


An arrest in response to March DDoS attacks on Spamhaus

by The Spamhaus TeamApril 26, 20132 minutes reading time

The Spamhaus Project offers congratulations and its sincere thanks to the Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM), the Dutch National High Tech Crime Unit (NHTCU) of the Dutch Police Services Agency (KLPD), the Spanish National Police (Catalonia branch in collaboration with the Central UDEF), and any and all other entities involved in the recent arrest announced in regard to the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks on Spamhaus in March 2013.

The record-breaking attacks were initially directed at Spamhaus infrastructure such as websites, mailservers and nameservers. Then, over the course of the following two weeks, the attacks escalated to targeting Spamhaus' supporting networks and services including various Internet exchanges. While the DDoS caused disruptions to our organization and its hosts and partners, the flow of the Spamhaus anti-spam data that protects over 1.7 billion mailboxes worldwide was never interrupted.

Spamhaus will resolutely continue its mission to provide reliable protection against cyber threats such as spam, malware and botnets and work with Internet service providers and organizations worldwide to create a safer internet.

Further reading:

Update (8 May 2013):